Sunday, November 3, 2013


A sign that I am coming out of my funk is that I look around the house and start to mentally redecorate. Then, it starts, I begin  repositioning  "stuff".  I enjoy doing this because I am, a want to be interior decorator.  The only thing missing from this equation is a degree and the ability to really know if I am doing things correctly. All I know is that I love moving my junk around.  It gives me such satisfaction.

I got into a blue and white phase and I was aided by Laura who scoured consignment shops in Charlotte. She found some wonderful bargains!  She thinks I am done but Laura if you are reading this I'm not.  Keep looking, sweetie. I will find a space for another great find.  I also love green and am thinking of something I passed up at Homegoods.  Why oh why, didn't I buy that garden seat!?  It would have looked lovely next to the bamboo chair. The lesson is, buy it when you see it!

Well, the crux of this dialogue, is that I am on the mend after my last seizure. That's a very good sign!  It always happens this way and I always hear Leland say " uh oh, she's at it again". Then, I see a smile on his face because he knows I'm on my way back.  I know I need potpourri to fill that new blue and white bowl Laura is going to find for me. I love smelly soaps from Italy and seasonal aromatic candles. Lighting them makes me feel like a domestic goddess.

Yessiree,, I'm back and the truth of the matter is I hope it stays this way. Thanks folks for hanging in there with me.

My sweet kindergarten friend, Mary Rutherford sent me the book "FRIENDSHIP CAKE". It is a lovely book and will be my next read. Thank you so much Mary and tell John we think of him so much and that he is in our prayers.


One cup finely chopped Vidalia sweet onions
One cup shredded swiss cheese
One cup mayonnaise

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a pie plate. Bake 20-30 minutes at 375-400 degrees until brown and bubbly on top. Remove from oven and serve with your favorite crackers. I usually double the recipe because it is a real crowd pleaser.

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