Thursday, October 17, 2013


Sometimes I think that I am my own worst enemy.  I fret too much!  Leland figures he could supplement our retirement income by renting me out on an hourly basis.  For so much an hour I would worry for you.  He jokes about it and I joke about it but I do know that I worry too much and many times unnecessarily.  I have a character flaw and it's a really big one.  I wish I could say it is my only one but alas I can't.  Leland, the logical one in our family highly suggests that I shouldn't worry until I have something to worry about. That is excellent advice and I really should heed it.  My life would be easier and more carefree. I don't know where I got this trait from.  My parents didn't have the worrying gene. Maybe it comes from some long ago ancestor!  I wonder who?

Life, I do know can be unpredictable and surprises do occur,  but we have to face them head on and tackle the problem the best we can.  I am trying very hard to not focus on what could be but on what is. That is the difficult part for me.  But I will try!!  I want people to remember me for my optimism not my pessimism. It's never too late to change my attitude.  Is it?  I certainly hope not!

I think we all realize that stress takes a physical toll on our bodies. That should be our number one reason to be more positive.  I am not lecturing just suggesting because I am the first one to tell you that I suffer from this malady.  Let's all make a pact - let's not worry until there is genuinely something to  worry about.

Tonight we are celebrating our wonderful friend Pat's 70th birthday. That is quite a milestone! When we first met Pat and her husband, Tommy it was as though we had known them forever. In four short years we have become family. We are so grateful that they are living in our community. Happy Birthday Pat, and many more healthy and happy years.

Note from Greg:

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Note from me: Thanks Greg, Love, Mom

RECIPE: Mary's snack

two bags of oyster crackers
one package dry ranch dressing
l 1/4 cup canola oil

Mix and serve.  So easy and so good!

BOOK:  "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand (she wrote "Sea Biscuit")

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