Friday, December 20, 2013


I have been so very naughty! The doctor told  me that my glucose is high and I should cut down on sweets. Well guess what, I misinterpreted and have been eating every sweet in sight. As fast as I bought solid chocolate foil wrapped Santa Clauses' I methodically ate each and every one of them. This required another trip to the store to replace them. I made almond brittle (see a previous blog) and managed to consume giant portions of that. Fortunately I didn't chip a tooth. I have become a sweet addict and I am so angry at myself for my total lack of willpower. This has got to stop!! Thank goodness I didn't bake all those cookies etc. that were on my original agenda. As it is, I have gone up a size and am miserable about it. So goes the holiday so far. Bah Humbug!!

Happily, Laura and Joe arrive tomorrow so hopefully they will be a distraction and I won't concentrate on sweets so much. I rationalize that I will start the new year off right and eat properly again. I hope it is not wishful thinking on my part. We have attended two holiday parties so far and at each one I zeroed in on the desserts. I am really bad! I hope y'all have more control than I do.

We are slowly getting Christmas cards. I think because Thanksgiving was late we all got behind schedule in getting our cards out. The only thing I am not behind in, is eating sweets. The doctor is going to be a tad upset with my next glucose test if I don't get myself under control. Speaking of cards, it has been so nice to receive our annual updates from friends and family who live far away. I enjoy seeing photos of our friends and their ever growing families. I knew some of their children as babies and now they are all grown up with babies of their own. Time marches on!

Tomorrow we will finalize our grocery shopping and get last minute items. I am not in a shopping (just eating) frenzy as we are pretty much done. My intention is to just have a good time visiting with some of our family and to take cooking etc. in my stride. Laura, Joe, Jennifer and Bud can do their own thing and we will just enjoy being in one another's company. That is what family is all about. I will do my very best to put Jan 15th (MRI) out of my mind and just concentrate on having a beautiful Christmas. That, of course, is my wish for each and every one of you. Stay well, family and friends and count your  blessings. Love to all, Arlene

Other than calling this a dump cake it lacks a recipe title but here goes. Thanks dear friend Pat for this lower calorie dessert.

One can crushed pineapple
One box angel food cake
Mix together in an ungreased pan and cook until a little golden at 350 degrees. It really is delicious and my goodness it is so easy and fast to put together.

Don't forget to leave cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. Leland will  be Santa and I will be a reindeer!

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