Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Leland is at poker (Reagan is sitting by the front door waiting for his return) and I am "doing a little, sitting a little". You remember my Mother's adage.  It is chilly out today so I am snuggled up. Victoria, our eldest and Preston are driving down from Virginia and are expected around 5:30 pm. It has been well over a year since we last saw them so we expect to see quite a change in our teenage Grandson. They, of course, will see quite a change in me, post surgery. Except for getting tired very easily, a consequence of all my medications, I am doing quite well.

Someone mentioned to me that meditation is very theraputic. I have tried it and found that when I try to close my mind off, things continually pop into my head: i.e. we need bread, I really need to do this or that, it's so and sos' birthday etc. Maybe I should pick up a book at the library on chanting! Perhaps that will put me in a concentrated frame of mind. But then, I would realize that my chanting is not on key and that will spoil everything.

I have a variety of faults but my most blatant one is that is I go from doing one chore to another before completing the first task. At the moment the living room rug is half vacuumed. I decided I needed to update my blog. Clothes that need to be folded and put away are folded but then I run (make that waddle) to do another thing that pops into my mind. I suddenly need to clean the inside of the micro-wave.  And, y'all know about my decorating habits and that I go back and forth on Ebay (I'm back!)  A psychologist would  consider me a gold mine. "Honey, you know that screen porch you have always wanted, please call the builder". Obviously, I am a fickle task doer and sometimes that puts me in a pickle when guests are arriving. I need to focus on one thing at a time. But at 74 years of age I truly think I am hopeless. For all my life I have been this way and for me it is definitely too late to change. I eventually get things done, but I do them at my own speed called a snail's pace.

The only reason I don't leave my blog and go put on nail polish (which I really need to do) is because I am not quite sure how to save the blog and don't want to publish it half done. This I stick to out of fear!

I am reading M.C. Beaton's latest book: "Death of a Policeman". I am halfway through it - of course! There were things that needed doing in between. But, it's a great book. And, oh yes, I had a lovely chat with my wonderful and caring Cousin, Joan today. She always checks up on me. Thank you!

Coconut Shrimp Dip
Honestly I have never made this recipes but I came across it in my Recipe box and it sounds intriguing. I adore curry so I am going to take a chance on it. Good luck!

1/2 cup cooked baby shrimp
2 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup shredded coconut
dash pepper
1 cup sour cream
l teaspoon curry powder (or to taste)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients and served chilled with crackers or thinly sliced french bread. Or, maybe you have a better serving idea?

Have a lovely week, Love, Arlene


  1. Miss you guys and will need to make this shrimp dip!! Love you!!

    1. So great to hear from you. Let me know how the dip is. LOVE YOU LOTS! Laura and Joe are so excited about there upcoming visit. XXXXOOOO
