Sunday, December 7, 2014


Leland, Laura and I were living in Brookfield, Connecticut and Leland was flying out of JFK Airport on European flights. Leland was asked if he would like to relocate to Berlin, West Germany where Pan Am had a base. We discussed it and quickly decided it was a marvelous opportunity. We flew first class to Berlin and it turned out to be a fortuitous flight as we met a dentist and his ex Lufthansa flight attendant wife. They owned an apartment in the Zelendorf section of Berlin and they invited us to look at it as a potential rental. Long story short, we loved it and rented it. We were the only non-Germans but that didn't matter as we met some lovely people dwelling there. It was a wonderful location because Laura and I could be in the town in under ten minutes. Woolworth's was the big attraction. We were also able to shop on the Army base at the PX.

Laura entered kindergarten at the German-American school and thrived there. It was a little eerie being surrounded by the Berlin Wall but we got along beautifully by car, bus and train. We passed through check point Charlie to get to East Berlin which can only be described as going from technicolor to black and white. From smiling faces to sullen faces. A big contrast!

The Pan Amers gravitated to one another and we had a blast! During our two year stay we made some lasting friendships and for a country girl I quickly adapted to city living. We entertained out of town guests, including my Mom on more then one occasion. What a trouper she was as we traveled throughout Germany, Czechoslovachia, Yugoslavia, Austria etc. She was so adventurous and eager to see everything.

Laura flourished in school but like her Mother and Dad did not have an "ear" for the German language. But fortunately most Germans' spoke excellent English.

I was given a surprise 50th birthday party there and in general had a great experience. Then, President Reagan proclaimed "tear down this wall", newscasters descended on Berlin, and bad stuff was happening. We had a security alert from terrorism and school buses had armed guards on them, China had severe problems etc. and people were fleeing into West Germany from Communist countries. Leland made the decision That Laura and I should head home and eventually Pan Am closed the Berlin base and all Pan Amers headed home. But, what a glorious time we had there while it lasted.

"AUF WIEDERSEHEN  - Will the last one out please turn off the oven" A collection of recipes from Pan Amers!


4 boneless chicken breast, pounded to 1/4 inch thick
1/2 cup flour
6 T butter
8 green onions, thinly sliced
12-16 fresh mushroom, sliced
1 cup dry white wine
1 cup heavy cream
6 oz gruyere cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Salt and pepper and lightly flour cutlets. Melt butter in skillet over medium-high heat. When bubbly, add chicken and brown quickly on each side. Meanwhile slice mushrooms and onions. Remove cutlets when brown, put in baking dish. Add onions and mushrooms to skillet, saute about 2 minutes. Add wine and cream. Cook 2 minutes while stirring. Pour mixture over over cutlets, grate cheese over cutlets. Bake in preheated oven 5-10 minutes. Serve with rice and a nice roasted veggie.\

It is so nice to think about all the adventures we had but frankly folks we are enjoying our peaceful life and living in this lovely community. It is wonderful to look at pictures depicting our stay in Toulouse, France (Laura took her first steps there) our trip to Norway with Laura, Andrea and Greg and many more adventures Now we sit back in our new "perfect sleep recliners" and let our thoughts take us to exotic places. But, really folks, there is no place like HOME! Love to all, Arlene

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